It is Day 6 of my crazy diet (those of you didn't get the email, it's the David Kirsch Ultimate New York Body Plan - notice the lack of the word 'diet' - Mr Kirsch thinks it's a dirty word). Anyway, for those interested...this be it...
And he looks so...nice in the picture. How can such a nice looking person, design such a diabolical diet/exercise fitness regime? On 2nd thoughts, I guess you'd have to be a total NaZi to be able to make women who make a living appearing virtually naked (that's Victoria Secret models) look fabulous.
The diet is Health NaZi to the max: no carrots, no red meat and you only get to eat whatever flies or swims only. And there's the exercise routine: a murderous 2 hours every other day, and 1 hour every day. The gym is starting to feel like home...
It's been an interesting 6 days to say the least. Coffee-deprivation isn't as bad as it would have felt (although if I don't get my daily green tea dose, crankiness starts to hit me at about 6ish) and I have not been 'HUNGRY' - but I certainly have felt deprived.
Highlights of the last 6 days (and no, there will be no STATS provided here...somehow, I'm not quite into sharing THAT much).
Day 1 - An easy day at the gym and I felt pretty okay. But then, it was only Day 1.
Day 2 - the first 'killer day' of the 2 hour workout. I was ready to keel over. But food-wise, was still hanging in there although the chicken and mushroom burgers were starting to feel rather...trying.
Day 3 - Arghhh. To make salmon cakes (Mr Kirsch is also a gourmet cook so he gives you recipes to keep you on track, food-wise), had to buy fish from Jaya Jusco. That meant running the Jaya Jusco GAUNTLET.
Jaya Jusco Gauntlet: the gaggle of food stalls that one has to walk past (and smell and see the food). As I come down the escalator, the first stall I see is the demo stall for Gion Bread...the words "Just One Piece" are flashing through my mind!!!!
I get to the bottom of the escalator, and scoot past the Gion Bread demo people and run straight into the Tako Ball stall....and the bakery with all the sausage bread and pizzas...I keep my head down and scamper on to the supermarket. Damn, the fish is all on the same side as the Jaya Jusco pre-prepared Japanese food...Tempura!...Rice with chicken teriyaki!!! - Unagi with teriyaki sauce dripping off it....honestly this stuff wouldn't get my attention on any day of the week (okay, maybe a 2nd look) but today, it's like...FOOOOOOOD!
And then, the gauntlet has to be repeated, after I have managed to buy my fish!
They don't call it the 3rd Day Hill for nothing!
And to add to the curse, Starbucks has recently introduced Strawberry Jam doughnuts. Arrrghh. What timing.
Day 4 - ugh, the 2 hour session today felt tough. But I felt strangely zippy in the evening. I put it down to the Protein Shakes (not exactly my favourite part of the diet but I've been surprised at how it seems to actually work). But the egg eating is getting to me. I love eggs but not having the yolks is seriously not fun. Mr Kirsch tells us that yolks contain all the calories in an egg so you're only allowed to eat the whites. Diet is starting to feel VERY NAZI at this point...esp when someone eats Oreos in front you!
Went into Starbucks with a friend and SNIFFED the air. This seems to be the only way to get caffeine without drinking it. I felt pretty sad at that point.
Strange dream tonight (could be a psychological thing - my mind trying to tell me something). I dreamt I was having dinner with a friend, and stuffing my face with chocolate cake, margeritas and mashed potatoes! And as my dream alter-ego ate away, my real self (watching in the 3rd person) was horrified at the sight of my dream alter-ego falling off the wagon. It was surreal to say the least.
Day 5 - mood picks up. And i'm feeling a lot better. Which is strange. I expected to feel pretty cranky, hungry, irritable on this diet and I've actually felt more energised - okay, mornings are a killer on my schedule to fit in all that exercise but so far, I haven't felt exhausted to the point of not being able to work. There are the odd moments when something annoying threatens to tip me over the edge and send me ballistic, but green tea actually has a calming effect (or just caffeine substitution).
My mother bakes bread today - the smell of the bread reminds me of my sniffing activities in Starbucks. But strangely enough as it is, just being able to smell it actually makes me feel less deprived. I guess my brain is starting to play tricks in order to get me through this diet!
Day 6 - so far, so good. I've been busy thinking mostly about what I'm going to eat after the 14th day expires (Monday next week) and at the same time, realising, that it might be possible to just totally fall off the wagon and undo all the work of the last 14 days in just one sitting. Clearly, maintaining this thing is going to take as much effort...but I'm only going to think about Saturday...Sunday maybe.
Watch this space folks (but em, no...there won't be any before and after pictures)
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