Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The POTUS we will never have...MacKenzie Allen for White House 2008

Recently I mentioned to a friend that the George Bush's secret service nickname is POTUS. He said why. Errr....it's just some piece of trivia stuck in my head.

THEN it came to me in the midst of an LA Times article about TV shows that critics loved but died a natural death.

POTUS = President Of The United States. Hiya.

I've been watching this short-lived cancelled series 'Commander in Chief' with Geena Davis as the world's first female POTUS. Dammit, it is good. This is the first time I've watched an American President on television that made me actually believe the Oval Office could be an institution of integrity, principles and bloody honesty. Does it have everything to do with the fact that she's a woman? (Michael Douglas doesn't count because he was a movie president...)

Maybe. (okaylah, very big maybe) it is the XX factor. But I think it has as much to do with political conviction and an understanding of what it means to be POTUS in today's world. The office of POTUS has been so tarnished by the current Failure in Office that it is a wonder anyone outside of the US has any respect for that dimwit.

Of course, being POTUS on tv is easy. Stuff gets wrapped at the end of 45 minutes. No one really dies. And there are no badly-coiffed nutso dictators with their finger on the trigger to really piss off or drop the ball on. And heck, Mac has great hair all the time. And looks great in those sharp suits.

Ur, waitaminute, so does Bush. (famously cited by the Presidential tailor as saying 'does this make my crotch look weird' when it came to his pants).

MacKenzie Spencer Allen for White House in 2008 I say.