Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 43: Seeking the Middle Ground

42 days have gone by since I embarked on the crazy healthful ways of fitness guru David Kirsch (aka, The Guru). I've since converted a few people to the diet although I am sure, news that I am going back to eating bread and the odd carb will no doubt make them think I have gone back to joining the rest of the non-Kitsching Plebs. (you know who you are - sugar, white flour, bread and rice and corn and carrot eating people!)

It's going in mini-steps. First bread with kaya and butter (Butter, what is life without thee?). Then oatmeal and cereal. Who knows - I might even boldly venture to the territory of my favourite Kashi Blueberry Flakes cereal!

The truth is, life must go on. Bread must come back into my life and my stomach must be allowed to eat bad white flour, hideously evil sugar, and indisputably nefarious Trans Fats. (the contents of a doughnut what else). Corn, carrots, rice, ice cream, Char Kuay Teow - you can't ban it from your life forever.

And it's really boring to have a blog that says you're going to write about Food and Irreverence but most of the blog is about food that can't be eaten and irreverence that centers around trying to avoid thinking about food!

Moderation of course, is not the message of the Guru but certainly is the message of many of his successful Ultimate New York Body Plan graduates (moi included!). Doughnuts will always be evil, but once in a while, we all have to cross to the dark side.

I am sure I will still be living with the Diet Demon in the many years to come and living in paranoia of my brand new 3 sizes smaller jeans growing tight. But those darned 'you look thinner' compliments have not stopped coming and I suppose, are going to my head!

So while I perhaps will no longer be living with the Diet Demon, searching for that middle ground will definitely be a challenge. But since woman cannot live on protein shakes and steamed vegetables with turkey breasts alone, the Middle Ground I must find.

I have a sneaky feeling its name is 'Exercise'.

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