Monday, August 20, 2007

DAY...OH I DON'T KNOW WHAT - Curse the Diet Demon

This whole exercise of getting to my target weight has been a semi-misogynistic exercise methinks.

On the one hand, it is nice to be complimented - relatives have noticed that I look less plump...and it is nice to be able to wear those uni jeans all over again.

But most of the time, I have rather mixed feelings. (yeah yeah, is starting to sound like the 'Good Diet Cop, Bad Diet Cop' conversation).

So on the one hand, is positive news to know cannot wear current wardrobe items as all too lose. On the other hand, bad news - must spend money to buy NEW items.

On the one hand, happy to be getting to target weight. On the other hand, concerned about how to go back to NORMAL eating life and really starting to feel annoyed with this diet.

Oh well, it's another 7 Days more to go with the Diet Demon. And I'll just have to keep looking in the mirror and psyching myself up. I thought that putting Krispy Kreme doughnuts on my computer screensaver would just be fun but nope - it just made me hungry. So I'm going to put them on my blog least I won't be looking at them every day!

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